How to remove acidity from tomato sauce; see tips

How to remove acidity from tomato sauce;  see tips


Podcast ‘Where does what I eat come from’ talked with chef Ana Soares, who explained a simple recipe to enhance pasta. Tomato: podcast explains how the production chain of this food is. Josephine Baran / Unsplash CLICK ABOVE TO LISTEN Tomato is a fruit, but it shines in salads and pasta dishes. This week, the podcast Where do I eat, talked to chef Ana Soares. She explained how to prepare tomato sauce at home and the affective value that this food has in her life. 🎧 LISTEN (above) and then check out the tips: How to remove acidity: 🍅You can add a pinch of sugar or bay leaves and celery. An alternative is to put a carrot inside the pan to cook along with the sauce. How to make the sauce: In a pan, place garlic, basil and peeled tomatoes; Refog the ingredients and let it boil until it starts to form a broth; Add water little by little, while the tomato dissolves, to the desired point (a more consistent sauce will require less water); At the end, add salt and pepper to taste. A tip to calculate the amount of sauce: buy at least one tomato per person. But remember that, in this proportion, the sauce is not so juicy. Tomato recipes: 15 simple and practical dishes Tomato is ‘more’ fruit than strawberry and its origin is not Italian For the sauces, the chef recommends the tomato variety Débora. SEE ALSO: Where Tomatoes Come From LISTEN ALSO:


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