Finance Minister Fernando Haddad.| Photo: Washington Costa/MF.

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said this Tuesday (28) that the minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) came with a more moderate tone than the statement issued last week. Early in the morning, the Central Bank released the minutes of the Copom meeting, which maintained the Selic Rate (basic interest rate) at 13.75% per year.

“Like what happened at the previous meeting, the minutes, with more time to prepare, came with terms that are more consistent with future perspectives, of harmonizing fiscal policy with monetary policy,” said the minister, reported Agência Brasil.

Haddad asked for collaboration between the Central Bank (BC) and the economic team to coordinate fiscal (which takes care of revenue and public spending) and monetary (interest rate to curb inflation) policies. According to him, the union is necessary for the country to grow with low inflation.

“The Central Bank should also help us. It is an organism that has two arms, one helping the other. I always insist on this thesis, because it gives the impression that one is a spectator of the other. This is not how economic policy is supposed to work. There are two active sides, competing for the same purpose, the same objective, which is to guarantee growth with low inflation, ”he said.

Last week, Haddad considered the communiqué issued by the Central Bank after the Copom meeting to be “very worrying”. For the minister, the release of the Expenditure Revenue Assessment Report, on the 22nd, demonstrated the government’s commitment to rebalancing the public accounts and would be a reason for the BC to start making monetary policy more flexible, instead of hardening the tone in the communiqué.