Government wants to regulate e-commerce deliveries and strengthen Correios

Government wants to regulate e-commerce deliveries and strengthen Correios


A working group is already in operation in Juscelino Filho’s portfolio and intends to change legislation that regulates the Post Office.| Photo: André Borges/EFE

The government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) created a working group to set up regulations for the e-commerce delivery service in Brazil and to strengthen the state-owned Correios, which was removed from the divestment plan at the beginning of the new administration. , in January of last year.

The group is led by Minister Juscelino Filho, of Communications, who also intends to update the legislation that establishes the powers of the Post Office, which dates back to 1978 and is outdated, according to him. The objective is to place the company “on an equal footing” with private sector competitors.

“The rules have to be fair for everyone, even more so in a growing market. Furthermore, we cannot allow the e-commerce delivery sector to not have regulations to guarantee quality levels, standards and an opportunity for complaints,” he said in an interview with Estadão published this Monday (11).

Juscelino explains that current legislation limits the actions of the Post Office, for example, the transport of live plants and animals, inactive viruses for study or animal semen for breeding. The minister is a partner in a stud farm in Vitorino Freire (MA) and has already used an official Brazilian Air Force flight to go to a horse auction, among other official commitments, at the beginning of last year.

In addition to the possibility of regulation, Correios will receive investments of R$856 million from the New PAC for automated sorting systems and postal service centers.

At the beginning of the new government, Lula removed seven companies from the National Privatization Program (PND) and three from the Investment Partnership Program (PPI), including Correios.

These state-owned companies had been included in the privatization programs during the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), but the revocation of the privatization processes was determined by order signed on the day of the PT member’s inauguration, on January 1st.


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