Washington Quaquá (PT-RJ) and Eduardo Pazuello (PL-RJ).| Photo: Playback/Instagram.

The president of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann (PR), criticized this Wednesday (15) the federal deputy of the Washington Quaquá party (RJ) for a photo published by him alongside the former Minister of Health and also deputy Eduardo Pazuello (PL -RJ). Quaquá is PT’s national vice-president.

“Photo of our fellow deputy Quaquá with bolsonarista Pazuello is disrespectful to the PT and offensive to the victims of Covid. In life and politics, everything has limits,” said Gleisi at the twitter. The photo was taken after a meeting with the president of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates.

“I decided to post our photo even though I knew that bigots from the right and left would criticize! The task of the Lula government and our president’s greatest figure is to unite, pacify and rebuild our country! When dialogue and politics fail, it’s war! And the left is dialogical and not intolerant and authoritarian! That’s why I really enjoyed the conversation and the civilized tone of the General. I even want to create bridges of dialogue with the military with him!”, said Quaquá in the caption of the publication on Instagram.

After the post, the PT deputy was the target of criticism on social networks. “If there is any lawsuit, let the lawsuit be judged, the parties heard and after the defendant is convicted, [ele seja] arrested… You have to learn that tolerance is necessary”, said the parliamentarian in a video to counter the criticism.