From ‘BBB 23’, Cara de Sapato reveals about masturbation in pre-confinement: ‘Todo dia’

From ‘BBB 23’, Cara de Sapato reveals about masturbation in pre-confinement: ‘Todo dia’


Participant of “BBB 23”, Antônio Cara de Sapato made a confession about the program’s pre-confinement routine. During a conversation with Gabriel Santana, Bruna Griphao and Amanda on the program, they spoke about the concern of waking up with an erect penis, Sapato complained about the time without masturbating and said that in the pre-confinement the act was part of the routine,

“We’ve had nothing for a month, bro,” pointed out the fighter. Bruna, then, corrected Sapato and said that they have been confined for over a month, counting on the pre-confinement time, nicknamed by them “beyond”. “Did you play handjobs in the afterlife?”, asked the actress. “Of course! Every day”, replied Antonio without hesitation.

Participants of the ‘BBB 23’ Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

Then, Gabriel Santana agreed with the revelation of Cara de Sapato and the chat between the members of the reality continued.

In another conversation with Bruna, Ricardo and Paula last Tuesday afternoon, when asked about whether or not he liked anal sex, Cara de Sapato said he “prefers the conventional one”.


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