Foz do Amazonas: Petrobras will analyze MME request – 05/19/2023 – Environment

Foz do Amazonas: Petrobras will analyze MME request – 05/19/2023 – Environment


Petrobras said this Friday (19) that it is still analyzing the request from the Ministry of Mines and Energy for the company to insist on studies and oil exploration at the mouth of the Amazon.

In an official letter, the state-owned company confirms that it was communicated by the ministry to “reiterate the request for licensing the activity”, even after Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) denied it.

“Petrobras remains committed to the development of the Brazilian equatorial margin, recognizing the importance of new frontiers to ensure the country’s energy security and the necessary resources for a fair and sustainable energy transition”, says the company.

Petrobras also states that it has met all the requirements set out in the licensing process and that it will now analyze the Ministry’s requests, “from a legal perspective and within its governance rules, so that its competent internal bodies can assess potential legal and economic risks resulting from the request”.

In an official letter to Petrobras this Thursday (18), the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira (PSD), asked the company to keep the rig and other equipment mobilized at the mouth of the Amazon River. Also this Thursday, in a press release, the company stated that the structure would be removed and transported to activities in basins in the Southeast.

Since December 18, Petrobras has maintained the necessary structure for the test in the region, awaiting approval.

Negative by IBAMA

Last Wednesday (17), Ibama denied Petrobras’ request for drilling in block 59 of the Equatorial Margin, at the mouth of the Amazon.

The institute claims that the safety plans presented by the company are insufficient to guarantee the safety of the enterprise and that an AAAS (Environmental Assessment of Sedimentary Area) was not presented, a study that would demonstrate the possible wide regional impacts of the activity, not restricted only to the area in question.

The state-owned company, on the other hand, stated during the licensing process that drilling is just an initial phase of exploration, which serves to analyze the feasibility of the undertaking and that the study could be carried out later.

Ibama, on the other hand, understands that the presentation of the AAAS should be the rule, not the exception, despite the fact that the instrument has been little used in licensing in the last ten years.

political pressure

Licensing for exploration of the mouth of the Amazon advanced, especially during the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), but now causes tension within the management of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).

Ibama’s refusal was the final straw for the leader of the government in Congress, Randolfe Rodrigues, to ask for his resignation from the Network, the party of Marina Silva, Minister of the Environment.

On social media, Randolfe defended the exploration of Foz do Amazonas. The undertaking is also defended by Minister Alexandre Silveira and by PT Jean Paul Prates, president of Petrobras and former senator.

The Planeta em Transe project is supported by the Open Society Foundations.


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