Elderly and hearing impaired who have not received a salary for over 15 years are rescued from conditions analogous to slavery, says MPT

Elderly and hearing impaired who have not received a salary for over 15 years are rescued from conditions analogous to slavery, says MPT


The action is part of an operation carried out in Munhoz de Mello, Londrina and in Prudentópolis. Those responsible will answer for putting workers in degrading working conditions. Elderly and hearing impaired are rescued in conditions analogous to slavery, says MPT Reproduction/RPC An elderly person and a hearing impaired person were rescued in conditions analogous to slavery this Friday (23) in two cities in Paraná. According to the Ministry of Labor (MPT), the hearing impaired person has not received a salary for over 30 years; the elderly for more than 15. Both lived in precarious conditions on rural properties in Londrina and Prudentópolis. Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram According to Labor Inspector Joel Darcie, the owners responsible for the sites will respond for the crime that puts workers in degrading working conditions. “The two employers will respond for the crime of reducing the worker to a condition analogous to slavery provided for in article 149 of the Penal Code, in the form of degrading conditions”, he said. The operation was carried out by the Special Group for Mobile Inspection (GEFM) with the participation of the Federal Public Defender’s Office and the Federal Police between Thursday (22) and the morning of this Friday (23). In Munhoz de Mello, one of the cities targeted by the operation, no irregularities were found. Rescue The elderly man worked in Prudentópolis and according to the auditor he worked in raising cattle and growing tobacco. He has not received a salary for 15 years. In turn, in Londrina, a man with hearing impairment has not received wages for 30 years. He made handmade brooms. ‘I’m still recovering my dignity’, reports victim rescued from work analogous to slavery in PR Elderly and hearing impaired are rescued in conditions analogous to slavery, says MPT MTE/disclosure The owner of the farm in Londrina made an agreement with the employee to pay severance pay in installments that reach R$500,000. The owner responsible for the Prudentópolis property did not sign an agreement with the worker and will be judged in the Labor Court, according to the auditor-inspector. “In both cases, employers were notified to cease activity, suspend violation of rights. Workers will receive three installments of unemployment insurance in the amount of one minimum wage”, said the tax auditor. The two victims will receive unemployment insurance in the special modality for the rescued worker. Degrading situation Elderly and hearing-impaired people are rescued in a condition analogous to slavery, says MPT MTE/publication Both victims lived and slept in improvised spaces, such as a wooden bunker, and worked without protection. According to the MTE, the conditions in which the workers lived did not comply with labor legislation. The sites were closed. Rescue in Paraná Data from the Observatory for the Eradication of Slave Labor and Human Trafficking show that, between 1995 and 2022, Paraná rescued, on average, 43 victims of crime per year. In all, 1,223 people were rescued in the period. The cities in the state with the most victims removed from conditions similar to slavery in the years analyzed are: Perobal: 125 people Cerro Azul: 110 people Tunas do Paraná: 97 people Palmas: 95 people Engenheiro Beltrão: 92 people Campina do Simão: 81 people General Carneiro : 78 people Irati: 58 people Read more. VIDEOS: Most watched g1 PR See more news from the region on g1 North and Northwest.


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