Deputy says he won’t go to act to not provoke Moraes – 05/27/2023 – Panel

Deputy says he won’t go to act to not provoke Moraes – 05/27/2023 – Panel


Bolsonarist federal deputy Otoni de Paula (MDB-RJ) says he does not intend to participate in the June 4 act in São Paulo, whose motto is to resist censorship on social networks and criticize the dismantling of Lava Jato. The main organizer of the demonstration is the MBL (Movimento Brasil Livre).

“Despite feeling like a victim of an unfair process, which prevents my right to fully exercise my mandate, since I have been without social networks for almost two years, I will not participate in the demonstrations”, he told the Panel.

The reason, according to him, is that it is necessary to make the current moment Brazil is going through calmer. He quotes mainly the president of the TSE (Superior Electoral Court), Alexandre de Moraes. “I want to give a sign of distension with the minister. That’s all”, he declares.

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