Cookie scent becomes inspiration for the creation of a new personal care line

Cookie scent becomes inspiration for the creation of a new personal care line


Personal cares

With a 100% vegan and cruelty free line, the Boticário launch combines a unique wafer fragrance with a juicy vanilla filling

Cuide-se Bem, Boticário’s personal care brand, has just gained new members with products that smell and have enveloping textures, the Biscuit or Biscuit line arrives to make you feel like you are the last (or the last) of the package, regardless of whether it is a biscuit or cookie. O Boticário has in its DNA innovation, present in several items of the portfolio, and, this time, it delivers unique differentials for the self-care routine – exploring the sensory of new products in the line, which is recognized for non-obvious and addictive fragrances.

There are eight products to play in the “classic bullshit” and decide if the smell that combines the toasted cone with creamy vanilla filling is biscuit or biscuit. The line, which reinforces the good humor and irreverence of Cuide-se Bem, arrives at Boticário composed of 100% vegan items, with high percentages of natural ingredients and cruelty free – in addition to packaging made of vegetable plastic and PCR (sustainable plastic). .

“The time has come for Brazil to decide: is it a cookie or a cookie? The launch of the Cuide-se Bem line moves the regionalism that surrounds the battle, but, in addition, we want to offer products that please the consumer. The novelty connects as a whole to the Gen Z audience, who loves addictive fragrances and is looking for conversations on social networks”,

comments Vanessa Machado, director of the Body and Bath Category at Grupo Boticário.

The Moisturizing Lotion, which is already a favorite product of Cuide-se Bem lovers, is one of the highlights of the Cuide-se Bem line Cookie or Cookie? for keeping the skin hydrated for 48 hours, leaving it soft and fragrant, without the feeling of sticky skin, and is available in two volumes, 400 ml and 200 ml. Another super novelty is the Body Liquid Soap, with the color and texture of chocolate syrup, which delivers a delicious bath, removes impurities and excess oil without drying the skin; while the Body Splash leaves the skin smelling like vanilla and chocolate for a long time.

The line also has Hand Moisturizer to leave in your purse, backpack, work table or in easily accessible places so you don’t forget to keep your care up to date. And, to take care of the face, the Crunchy Facial Scrub unclogs the pores and cleans without harming the skin, leaving it soft, smooth and radiant. The Crispy Lip Scrub has small particles, as if they were biscuit shells, which remove dead skin, leaving lips hydrated. Composing the make-up bag, the Balm Labial Sweet Cricante, with pH Tint technology, which changes the color of the lip according to the pH of the mouth, delivering shades of pink and purple, in addition to ensuring hydration to the lips, while the Lip Gloss Crispy delivers a delicious smell and shine, as it has golden glitter particles in its formulation.

“Bringing the creaminess, care and comfort codes of Cuide-se Bem, the biscuit or wafer accord was integrated into the fragrance with literality and balance between the filling – highlighted by the exclusive vanilla – and the rind, which represents the “tostadinho gourmand” character. of chocolate”,

explains Vanessa.

The launches of Cuide-se Bem Biscoito ou Bolacha? There are already brand sales platforms, with progressive discount opportunities until July 23: 10% on the purchase of an item; two items, 15%; and 20% off when buying three or more items. The line is available in all physical stores in the country, in the brand’s e-commerce, in addition to the Boticário app, for Android and iOS versions and via resellers through Find Boticário. It is also possible to place orders via WhatsApp through the number 0800 744 0010 – official and secure contact – directly on the device platform. Customers only need to contact the brand using this number to check availability in their region.

*With advisory information

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