Black petista says she suffers resistance for not being ‘man, white and rich’ – 07/18/2023 – Panel

Black petista says she suffers resistance for not being ‘man, white and rich’ – 07/18/2023 – Panel


With significant votes in the last two elections she contested, federal deputy Carol Dartora (PT-PR) says that there is resistance from politicians to her name when it comes to the 2024 race for the mayoralty of Curitiba, even though she is openly in the mood for the lawsuit.

The PT has not yet hammered out how it should present itself in the election, whether it will integrate a broad front of the left or whether it will launch its own candidacy, but Dartora maintains that it has been ignored in this debate by some party chiefs.

“The ideal would be a broad front. But, I realize that, even though I demonstrate the condition and political strength to build a left-wing candidacy for our city, it is very difficult to articulate”, he tells the Panel. “We wouldn’t be at an impasse if I were a man, white, rich.”

Among the names circulating as a possibility to head the broad front are federal deputy Luciano Ducci (PSB) and state deputy Goura (PDT).

Within the PT, there is a list of politicians mentioned behind the scenes, such as Tadeu Veneri and Zeca Dirceu, who are federal deputies, and Requião Filho and Arilson Chiorato, state deputies.

“But, realistically, the left already has a name for the city hall of Curitiba, the name of a black woman”, defended her, who, in the 2020 election, became the city’s first black councilwoman.

Two years later, she was elected federal deputy for Paraná with the second highest vote among PT candidates, second only to Gleisi Hoffmann, national president of the acronym.

“There is resistance from political chiefs, from people who have been in power for a long time. It is resistance to opening up space. For example: I know that my party has conversations with the PSB and I was never invited to them. So politics continues being very masculine, very white. Even demonstrating political strength, this hierarchy is in place”, she criticized.

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