Bipolar disorder can take years to diagnose – 03/30/2023 – Equilibrium

Bipolar disorder can take years to diagnose – 03/30/2023 – Equilibrium


The painter Vincent Van Gogh possibly suffered from bipolar disorder. More than 100 years after his death, scientists have claimed that the author’s mental condition, aggravated by alcoholism, may have led him to attempt suicide. The Dutchman died as a result of complications from shooting himself with a firearm.

The artist’s illness caused the date of his birth, March 30, to become World Bipolar Disorder Day, whose objective is to draw attention to the condition and eliminate social stigma.

The disease is characterized by alternating periods in which the person is between excessive exaltation and depression, called mania hypomania. Crises can vary in intensity, frequency and duration and diagnosis can take years, according to experts.

Psychiatrist Danielle H. Admoni, preceptor at the residence at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) and a specialist by the ABP (Brazilian Association of Psychiatry), states that in depressive moments, the patient loses satisfaction and interest in carrying out activities, in addition to feeling “sadness, changes in sleep, appetite, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts”.

On the other hand, the pole of exaltation is characterized by “extreme joy”. “[Há] a reduced need for sleep. Sometimes you have increased libido, racing thoughts. So it’s like the opposite of depression,” says the psychiatrist.

Admoni points out that the diagnosis of the disorder is clinical, that is, based on the patient’s history, according to the episodes experienced. Furthermore, the condition also does not have a definite cause. According to the professional, what is known is the presence of genetic influence, causing family members to suffer from the same condition or, in some cases, other psychiatric illnesses, such as depression.

“Many people know that, for example, the use of some substances such as cocaine or cannabis, can lead to mania and hypomania in people who already have a prior predisposition. So, in fact, there is not much to prevent, although avoiding the use of substances if you already have cases in the family is a form of prevention.”

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), bipolar disorder affects about 140 million people worldwide and is among the top 10 disabling diseases in young adults.

Beatriz Lima, 23, from São Paulo, was diagnosed with the disorder just over six months ago. The young woman has been monitored for depression and generalized anxiety since she was 18, but has lived with the conditions since childhood.

“I have exaggerated mood swings, there are days when I’m super well, I make plans, organize everything in an excel spreadsheet, but other days I go into a deep depression and I can barely get out of bed”, he says.

According to Lima, the consequences of these crises are felt in his body. “There are days when I can’t eat, drink water, and everything I eat I put out. I weigh 50 kg, but there were times when I weighed 37 kg”, she says.

To control the disease, Lima has psychological follow-up, in addition to using medications such as mood stabilizers and antipsychotics. “What really helps me is therapy, but I know that not everyone has access to it”, she points out, emphasizing the importance of not isolating oneself and looking for a good support network.

Diagnosis can take years

Identifying the disorder can take time, according to Fernando Fernandes, a psychiatrist at the Mood Disorders Program at IPq (Institute of Psychiatry) at USP (University of São Paulo). of the patient, or the search for specialized help only in depressive moments makes the diagnosis difficult.

“Sometimes the doctor even does this research, but the patient does not recognize these situations as pathological periods, and many times these situations go unnoticed. Talking to family or close people, these people end up perceiving these moments of psychic acceleration better, but not even they are always present at the consultation to report”, he reports.

How to deal with and illness

Fernandes, who is also a researcher at the IPq Affective Disorders Program, points out that the condition has no cure, since it is a chronic and recurrent disease. The patient has to learn to live with and deal with the disorder for the rest of his life, because even with treatment the episodes tend to return.

Therefore, the doctor highlights the importance of an accurate diagnosis, accompanied by adequate therapy. “If the diagnosis is Bipolar Disorder, the basis of treatment is mood stabilizers, often more than one medication needs to be used and psychotherapy is very important to keep the patient stable”, he points out.

The psychiatrist says that avoiding the use of substances such as alcohol and drugs, respecting the sleep-wake cycle, managing stress, having moments of leisure, practicing physical exercises and investing in personal improvement are some recommended precautions.

“The reaction to the diagnosis can vary between patients. Some are impacted, others feel understood. What I always say is that the diagnosis does not change the person, but it allows for adequate treatment and will improve the prognosis from now on” , says the psychiatrist.


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