bathroom that Chico used to cheat on Luísa Sonza is closed

bathroom that Chico used to cheat on Luísa Sonza is closed



Internet user went to check out the bar where the betrayal took place

Reproduction: Disclosure

Singer Luísa Sonza announced, this Wednesday morning (20), that she is no longer dating Chico Moedas. In a moving text read to Ana Maria Braga live, she exposed the betrayal of her now ex-boyfriend, which allegedly took place in a “dirty bathroom in a bar”.

After rumors that the betrayal had taken place at the Galeto Sat’s bar, in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, an internet user wasted no time and went to visit the supposed place. In a video published on social media, he filmed his arrival at the bar.

In the video, it is possible to see that the local bathroom is closed, apparently under construction.

*With information from Casa e Jardim

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