The mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).| Photo: Zeca Ribeiro/Chamber of Deputies

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), summoned party leaders and federal deputies for lunch this Tuesday (2), to discuss the vote on the Fake News PL, scheduled for this Tuesday in the Plenary. The purpose of the meeting is to “count votes” to find out if there are still conditions to approve the text. The information was released by CNN Brazil.

There is a fear on the part of the federal government and President Arthur Lira that the proposal will not reach the necessary votes to be approved by federal deputies, amidst the criticism and controversy that has arisen in recent days about the proposal. If there is no support from the majority of the benches, the vote can be postponed.

The evangelical bench and the Republican party have already guided the vote against the proposal. Opponents of the project argue that the new text, presented by the rapporteur Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP), should be discussed in committee before the vote in the Plenary.