AGU – Attorney General of the Union| Photo: Wesley Mcallister/AscomAGU

The Attorney General’s Office (AGU) opened this Friday (14) a public consultation on the functioning of the newly created National Attorney’s Office of the Union for the Defense of Democracy (PNDD). One of the functions of the prosecution is “to represent the Union, judicially and extrajudicially, in demands and procedures for responding to and confronting misinformation about public policies”.

The AGU initiative was pointed out by experts as a possible “Ministry of Truth”, in addition to raising fears of censorship against opponents. Opposition parliamentarians considered the creation of the body unconstitutional and undemocratic.

After the criticisms, the AGU stated that “under no circumstances” will it use the prosecution to curb opinions and criticism or act “contrary to the public freedoms enshrined in the Constitution”. Opposition parliamentarians considered the creation of the body unconstitutional and undemocratic. With pressure from society and Congress, the government backed down from the content of the proposal made in January.

To participate in the public consultation, simply enter the consultation website and identify yourself with your full name and CPF. A draft (initial draft) of the PNDD regulations was made available for suggestions to be made on the norm’s content. Interested parties have until April 23 to submit contributions.