The Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino| Photo: Isaac Amorim/MJSP

The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, informed that the number of members of the Federal Police and the National Force will be increased in Roraima throughout the week. According to the minister, they will act in the “desintrusion of indigenous lands”. In other words, they will participate in the operations of the security forces to remove miners and other individuals from indigenous territories, such as those of the Yanomami people.

“We want the removal of indigenous lands to take place in PEACE, without conflicts”. The statement was made this Monday (6) through social networks. The minister did not mention the number of agents who will travel to Roraima.

Dino stated that the measure is one of those that will be taken to comply with the decree of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). Through Decree 11,384, of January 20, Lula created the National Coordination Committee to Combat Sanitary Lack of Assistance for Populations in Yanomami Territory. According to the federal government, the committee will take measures to “combat the lack of health care for populations in Yanomami territory and the resulting social and health problems”.