123 Miles: Court suspends refunds of airline tickets and travel packages; understand

123 Miles: Court suspends refunds of airline tickets and travel packages;  understand


The company alleged that several customers approached financial institutions and improperly challenged purchases, blocking the transfer of resources. Banner of 123 Milhas Reproduction/TV Globo The Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG) suspended, this Tuesday (10), the refund of airline tickets and tourist packages purchased by credit card with 123 Milhas. The determination applies to all banks in the country. The decision by judge Cláudia Helena Batista, from the 1st Business Court of the District of Belo Horizonte, accepted an appeal by the company. The judge is responsible for the judicial recovery process of the travel agency and other companies that make up the holding. After the announcement of the suspension of the promotional line, 123 Milhas claimed that several customers contacted financial institutions and improperly contested the purchases, blocking the transfer of resources. According to the judge, the return of amounts paid to consumers, known as “chargeback”, would be illegitimate at this time, as it violates the principle of parity between creditors. “[…] In the case of credits subject to the effects of the judicial recovery plan, such as those resulting from possible failures in the provision of services that occurred prior to the filing of the case, their amortization through the reversal of amounts via ‘chargeback’ proves to be undue […]”, stated the judge, in an excerpt from the decision. ✅ Click here to follow the new g1 Minas channel on WhatsApp. The sentence does not cover disputes based on fraud, such as unauthorized purchases by the cardholder, and failure of services contracted after the filing of judicial recovery, which were suspended by court order. “This decision is serious for consumers, who are forced to pay the due installments even though it is clear that they will not have provided the contracted services”, analyzed lawyer Gabriel de Britto Silva , legal director of the Brazilian Institute of Citizenship (Ibraci). The Minas Gerais Court also ordered the immediate reimbursement of amounts blocked by credit operators to the travel agency. The same decision met other requests from 123 Milhas, such as the reactivation of the supply of basic credit protection data provided by Serasa to debtors and the refund of amounts amortized as debt by Banco do Brasil, the company’s main creditor. Judicial recovery suspended The request for judicial recovery made by 123 Milhas, by HotMilhas, controlled by the travel agency, and by Novum Investimentos, a partner of the company, had been accepted on August 31st. In September, TJMG provisionally suspended the group’s judicial recovery, following a request from Banco do Brasil. However, it maintained the 180-day shielding period, in which ordinary actions and executions against the debtor company are suspended. In October, the Minas Gerais Court also accepted the request from Maxmilhas, which is part of the holding company, and included the company in the process. READ ALSO: CPI concludes that 123 Milhas operated in the red for 4 years before requesting judicial recovery Justice includes Maxmilhas in the judicial recovery process of 123 Milhas Justice suspends judicial recovery of 123 Milhas The most viewed videos on g1 Minas:


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