Study reveals species of sardine that occurs only in Fernando de Noronha and is not yet cataloged

Study reveals species of sardine that occurs only in Fernando de Noronha and is not yet cataloged


Research has scientists from Brazil and Germany, with data analyzed in South Korea. Result will be presented to ICMBio, to determine forms of management of the species in the archipelago. Researchers study sardines from Noronha Expedition sardines in the net/ecology and conservation A study on sardines from Fernando de Noronha, carried out by a group of Brazilian and German researchers, with data analysis in South Korea, is discovering details of a species of sardine that occurs only in the archipelago and that is not cataloged yet. According to UFRN professor Sérgio Maia Mendes, a member of the group of researchers carrying out the survey, the genetic analyzes led to the conclusion that the sardine found in Fernando de Noronha is a new species, which does not yet have a registered scientific name. Another information confirmed by the scientists is that the population of sardines on the island does not migrate to other regions. “The population of Fernando de Noronha does not go to the mainland; this species only lives on the island. The first sardines arrived in Noronha 20 thousand years ago”, detailed Sérgio Mendes. Share on WhatsApp The proof that these sardines do not migrate is one of the factors that indicate the need for conservation of the species. “If the population of sardines in Noronha ends, there is no possibility of it being repopulated. This is yet another reason for the need for management”, evaluated the researcher. The research will carry out a broad survey of the species so that, based on the results, it will be possible to suggest guidelines for managing sardines in Fernando de Noronha. The results will be presented to the Chico Mendes Biodiversity Institute (ICMBio), with indications of actions to be taken. The professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Liana de Figueiredo Mendes, coordinates the study and said that data collection is complete. “The idea is to gather bioecological, evolutionary information. Sardine feeding data, how they travel, where they live, population size and structure, reproduction stage, among others,” said Liana Mendes. Sardines are analyzed Dispatch sardines in the net/ecology and conservation How is the survey carried out? The researchers capture the sardines, collect samples and perform DNA sequencing and a genomics study. The field work also includes the collection of plankton – which is the sardine’s food – day and night, for analysis of the diet. One of the hypotheses is that global warming, which also affects ocean water, could jeopardize the survival of the species. Another study that is being carried out on the island, investigating the bottom of the sea, pointed out that 25 years ago the sea water in Fernando de Noronha, in the coldest period, had a temperature of 25 degrees. Currently, it reaches 26 degrees. In the hottest periods it was between 28 and 29 degrees; today are recorded up to 30 degrees in summer. READ ALSO Research analyzes the bottom of the sea in Fernando de Noronha to identify causes of changes in species. Drone Drone is used to study sardines Expedition sardines in the net/ecology and conservation The researchers started to use a drone to study the population ecology of sardines. “We have the support of ICMBio, which takes the images. With this, it is possible to estimate the shoal of sardines. We also dived and were able to estimate the biomass of the sardines”, reported Liana Mendes. The equipment is helping in a systematic study of Praia do Sueste and the beaches that go from Bode to Praia do Cachorro. “In addition to the size of the shoal, we know where it occurs, if it is close to the surf, periodicity and the occurrence of sardines in that region”, indicated professor Liana Mendes. This stage of the project with the drone began in April and will continue for a year. The ICMBio team records images, even when the researchers are not on the island. Aerial images and dives in the shoals are carried out Expedition sardines in the net/ecology and conservation Genetics The analysis of the genetics of the sardines captured in Fernando de Noronha is carried out by the Portuguese researcher Ricardo Pereira, at the LMU university, in Germany. DNA sequencing is done in South Korea. The material is sent for analysis in that Asian country. In addition to professors Liana Mendes and Sérgio Mendes, the following also participate in the study: Ali Ger UFRN (plankton study) Priscila Lopes UFRN (human ecology study) Cristiano Albuquerque Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA) (otoliths study) Ricardo Pereira LMU Munich Germany (genetic study) Tiego Araújo Costa (ccology study) Lorena Agostinho UFRN (doctorate) Jessica Coelho UFRN (doctorate) Thaís Araújo UFRN (master’s degree) Ana Bennemann UFRN (master’s degree) Mateus Hamermuller (monograph study) Management The capture of sardines in the Marine National Park for use as natural bait for fishing large fish has always been requested by fishermen to ICMBio. The institute gave special authorization to 52 accredited fishermen to catch sardines on the beaches of Leão and Caieiras from November to April. The researchers interview the island’s fishermen to follow up on their work. The study should indicate the best ways to carry out management in Fernando de Noronha. 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