STJ suspends injunction that prohibited Eletronorte from operating in indigenous lands – 05/05/2023 – Market

STJ suspends injunction that prohibited Eletronorte from operating in indigenous lands – 05/05/2023 – Market


The Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) suspended this Friday (5) the injunction that prohibited Eletronorte from using power transmission lines located on indigenous lands in the states of Pará and Maranhão, pointing to the risk of blackouts.

According to the court, the suspension of activities by the Eletrobras subsidiary on the transmission lines that pass through the municipalities of Tucuruí and Marabá, in Pará, and Imperatriz and Presidente Dutra, in Maranhão, could cause damage to at least 20 million people.

According to the President of the STJ, Minister Maria Thereza de Assis Moura, the measure is justified to guarantee the functioning of the National Interconnected System (SIN) not only in the North region, but throughout the country.


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