Spotted dolphins are recorded in Fernando de Noronha; watch video

Spotted dolphins are recorded in Fernando de Noronha;  watch video


The species is not common in the region. In Noronha, the most common species is the spinner dolphin. Spotted dolphins are recorded in Fernando de Noronha A group of spotted dolphins was sighted in Fernando de Noronha (see video above). The species is not common on the island, as spinner dolphins, Stenella longirostris, are most common in the archipelago. They swam in the area known as the inner sea, between Praia da Cacimba do Padre and Baía de Santo Antônio. According to the researchers, this is the first record of a pantropical spotted dolphin in Fernando de Noronha during the rainy season. Share on WhatsApp Share on Telegram “We were fishing for tuna and we found this group of spotted dolphins. They were in the region and it was possible to register”, said sailor Ian Chacal, who made the registration. Oceanographer José Martins, from the Spinner Dolphin Project, said that the institution received information from crew members of boats on the island who also saw pantropical spotted dolphins, which have the scientific name Stenella attenuata. “The group seen has about 30 predominantly adult pantropical spotted dolphins, with at least two juveniles”, reported José Martins. Spotted dolphins in Fernando de Noronha Reproduction/WhatsApp The researcher reported that the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is a kind of oasis in the middle of the ocean, both in the deepest region, known as the walls, and in waters protected from winds and currents. This situation favors the sighting of pelagic animals (that live in the open sea), such as the pantropical spotted dolphins. Despite not being the most common species found in the daily life of Noronha, the Pantropical Spotted Dolphin is the fifth most sighted cetacean species in the archipelago. The most commonly seen cetaceans are the spinner dolphin, the humpback whale, the bottlenose dolphin and the pilot whale. The Spinner Dolphin Project identified mixed groups of Noronha spinners and spotted dolphins in feeding areas, in the so-called mar de fora region (area facing Africa) on 32 occasions, probably with a protection function. The researchers informed that there is the possibility of crossing the guinea fowl with the spinners, which are very similar genetically. “A subsidy to this hypothesis is the existence of a dolphin that is presumably a hybrid between the spinner dolphin and the pantropical spotted dolphin. This hybrid was seen for the first time while still a puppy, in August 2000, and then re-sighted on 16 occasions until August 2002”, informed Martins. The project has carried out research and monitoring of dolphins in Fernando de Noronha since 1990 and is supported by the Petrobras Socio-environmental Program. VIDEOS: most viewed from Pernambuco in the last 7 days


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