See foods that seem healthy but raise blood sugar

See foods that seem healthy but raise blood sugar



In a video, an American doctor revealed which foods have a huge glycemic impact and increase blood sugar

Although they seem healthy and many people consume them without moderation, there are some foods that, if eaten in excess, can increase blood sugar. The person revealing this is American doctor Mijin Brown, who went viral on TikTok with a video in which she warns about the impact of these items on insulin resistance.

According to her, fruit juice, some types of fruit, oat milk and rice cookies may seem harmless, but they cause the body to reach a glycemic peak, even favoring weight gain.

According to Mijin, they cause the pancreas to release more insulin and then this insulin drops quickly, generating the desire to eat more. With the repetition of this cycle, the body can present insulin resistance, when muscle, fat and liver cells do not respond well to the hormone and cannot easily absorb glucose from the blood.

“Insulin resistance is the root cause of all the lifestyle diseases most of us suffer from,” warned Brown. As an example, she highlighted that some fruit juices have as much sugar as soft drinks.

In the case of fruits, the secret is to invest in those with more fiber. Mango, pineapple, banana and grapes are rich in sugar and should be “seen” as dessert, said the professional.

Oat milk was another item highlighted by the expert. “One cup of oatmeal contains about eight grams of fiber but 62 grams of carbohydrates,” she pointed out. In other words: it is good to be very moderate when consuming.

As for rice biscuits, common in “fit” stores, she recommends eating them combined with a source of protein. Otherwise, they generate more appetite.

*With information from Metrópoles

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