Research shows differences in vaccination adherence – 09/08/2023 – Sou Ciência

Research shows differences in vaccination adherence – 09/08/2023 – Sou Ciência


This Thursday in Folha online and today in Folha printed, journalist Ana Bottallo reported on the latest public opinion survey carried out by SoU_Ciência and Instituto Ideia, which revealed that voters who supported Lula in the last election demonstrated greater adherence to vaccination against Covid-19, both in the initial stages and in the reinforcement phases, compared to Bolsonaro voters. The study, carried out between July 5th and 10th with 1,295 respondents, showed that 28% of Lulistas received up to the fifth dose, in contrast to 10.7% of Bolsonaristas. The survey also indicated that the politicization of the vaccine during the pandemic influenced the confidence of immunizers, with Lula’s supporters being more in favor of vaccination than Bolsonaro’s.

The survey also revealed differences in adherence to vaccination based on religion, education and income. Catholics were vaccinated in greater numbers than evangelicals, with 24% of Catholics seeking vaccination up to the last dose, against 9.8% of evangelicals. In terms of education, those with completed higher education were vaccinated more (24.1%) than those who only completed primary education (13.4%). Regarding income, adherence to vaccination was higher among those who earn more, with 84% of people who earn 3 to 5 minimum wages joining the vaccination campaigns.

There is a clear need for targeted vaccination campaigns, especially aimed at less educated and lower income groups, to ensure that immunization broadly reaches all layers of the population. The influence of disinformation is evident, especially among Bolsonaro’s voters and among evangelicals. It is crucial to combat this misinformation with reliable sources and effective communication strategies.

In the second article, journalist Ana Bottallo addressed the difference in perception and defense of childhood vaccination. Supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro demonstrate greater resistance to childhood vaccination against Covid-19 compared to Lula’s voters. The survey revealed that 27.2% of those who voted for Bolsonaro reject Covid vaccination for children, compared to just 2.2% of Lula voters. The effect of the attacks on the Covid vaccine also had an impact on adherence to childhood vaccinations against polio and measles, which also decreased among Bolsonaro supporters. The data reflects the influence of anti-vaccine groups on Brazilian public opinion, with vaccination coverage in children significantly lower than in adults. Furthermore, Bolsonaro’s particular impact on the evangelical community stands out, whose support for childhood vaccination against Covid is significantly lower compared to Catholics.

If you would like access to the complete research data, presented in 8 thematic topics, 15 infographics and the questionnaire administered, access the report on our website.

In the full report we also demonstrate that the so-called “Covid Kit”, a cocktail of medicines that includes chloroquine and without scientific evidence for the treatment of Covid-19, was prescribed en masse in Brazil and distributed disproportionately among the population. Those with lower income and education were the most affected, with 63% of people earning less than one minimum wage receiving the kit, compared to 32% of those with incomes above five wages. Similarly, 66% of those with education up to elementary school. Distribution was wide by SUS, which mainly serves the low-income population. Only 3% of those infected claim to have self-medicated.

We highlight the responsibility of the medical profession, the Federal Council of Medicine and governments aligned with Bolsonarism in the distribution of these medicines. Furthermore, 57% of people who received the kit believe it was crucial to their recovery, especially among those with less education and those who believe there was fraud in the last elections. The massive promotion of the kit among Bolsonaro supporters may have created cognitive dissonance, leading to a strong belief in its effectiveness despite the lack of scientific evidence.

Our research also indicated a large underreporting of Covid-19 cases in Brazil. 41% of respondents claiming to have contracted Covid-19, representing an estimate of 66 million adult Brazilians. In contrast, official data from the Ministry of Health shows 37 million cases. The study also highlights the emotional impact of the pandemic, with 51% of respondents grieving due to the loss of a family member or friend.

The research also addressed responsibility for managing the pandemic. Even among Bolsonaro voters, 37% believe that his conduct contributed to the increase in deaths. The majority (52%) want a trial and conviction related to the pandemic, and there is support for the creation of a truth commission (45%), compensation for victims (39%) and a special court for accelerated trials (38%).

Even among evangelicals, who voted heavily for Bolsonaro, the majority (52.2%) agree that if the government’s conduct had been different, the number of deaths would have been lower. That is, they no longer want to be deceived, as they also experienced many losses and grief and reflected on the subject. After the pandemic, they are interested in supporting the SUS, science, a Truth Commission to judge the crimes of the pandemic and looking for reliable information.

There is also a consensus among those interviewed, regardless of political or religious inclination, on what to do so that tragedies like this do not happen again: the majority agrees with the need to invest more in the SUS, in science, research, in the development of national vaccines and in improving in the training of health professionals.

After the hurricane of polarization and criminal disinformation, Brazil needs to be rebuilt with society and government seeking possible consensus: the defense of the SUS and science seems to be a powerful common platform so that tragedies like the one we experienced are not repeated.

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