Petrobras: crisis makes president ‘turn’ Ronaldinho Gaúcho – 03/17/2024 – Panel SA

Petrobras: crisis makes president ‘turn’ Ronaldinho Gaúcho – 03/17/2024 – Panel SA


The crisis between the government and the Petrobras leadership reached the oil workers who, with a dose of humor, started calling the president of the state-owned company, Jean Paul Prates, Ronaldinho Gaúcho.

Representatives of the United Front of Oil Workers (FUP) explain that the nickname is due to the unpredictability of their movements in the field.

Although Prates is a licensed PT senator, he has been seen as an executive who makes moves in line with the market.

The comparison is due to criticism made recently by members of the government that the company’s management is more aligned with the market and less concerned with fuel price policy.

Lula intends to make gasoline, diesel and aviation kerosene cheaper as a way of improving his popularity and curbing inflation.

Last week, this conflict reached the board of directors. Government representatives decided to withhold the payment of extraordinary dividends, contradicting minority shareholders.

Jean Paul publicly stated that the postponement would not allow the pent-up money to be used for current expenses or investments, as Lula’s advisors considered.

With Diego Felix

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