Former Economy Minister Paulo Guedes.| Photo: Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agencia Brasil/EBC.

Former Economy Minister Paulo Guedes is set to launch a “green” investment fund with prominent bankers and other members of former President Jair Bolsonaro’s (PL) government. The fund is expected to be launched in July. The information was released by Reuters.

The objective of the initiative is to attract domestic and international investments focused on energy transition, preservation of natural resources and renewable energy. Should participate in the fund: former Minister of the Environment Joaquim Leite; Gustavo Montezano, former president of BNDES and former director of BNDES Fabio Abrahão.

In addition to them, Roberto Azevedo, former director general of the World Trade Organization (WTO), who will retire in June as director of corporate affairs at PepsiCo, and Rodrigo Xavier, who headed Bank of America and UBS in Brazil, also must join the initiative.