‘Parentas que Fazem’ finances indigenous women’s organizations in the Amazon

‘Parentas que Fazem’ finances indigenous women’s organizations in the Amazon



The project will select five initiatives, which will receive a contribution of BRL 250,000 for execution within 12 months

Manaus (AM) – Indigenous women who have not signed up to guarantee funding for entrepreneurship projects can submit their proposals to the Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS) until August 13th. The project will select five initiatives, which will receive a contribution of R$ 250,000 for execution in up to 12 months.

The call was launched on the 16th of June and was supposed to end on the 16th of July, but was extended until August. According to the call, formal or informal organizations that operate in the Amazon, with indigenous recognition or self-declaration, and with management of indigenous women, will be selected.

Proposals must be sent to the email [email protected] and WhatsApp (92) 98643-0844. The notice with detailed information is available at

The project has the support of Google.org, Google’s philanthropic institution, and a partnership with the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coiab) and the Amazon Indigenous Women’s Network (Makira-E’ta).

In addition to the financial contribution, the selected organizations will receive entrepreneurial initiation services, technical assistance and management training for each selected project.

As support in the preparation of proposals for submission in the call, four virtual meetings will be held for guidance. The meetings will take place through Google Meet and details can be obtained by email [email protected].

About the FAS

The Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS) is a non-profit civil society organization that works for the sustainable development of the Amazon through programs and projects in the areas of education and citizenship, health, empowerment, research and innovation, environmental conservation, community infrastructure, entrepreneurship and income generation.

FAS’s mission is to contribute to the conservation of the biome by valuing the standing forest and its biodiversity and by improving the quality of life of the populations of the Amazon. In 2023, the institution completes 15 years of operation with outstanding numbers, such as the 202% increase in the average income of thousands of beneficiary families and the 40% drop in deforestation in areas served between 2008 and 2021.

About Coiab

The Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coiab), is an indigenous organization with 34 years of experience in the defense of indigenous rights to land, health, education, culture and sustainability, considering the diversity of peoples, and aiming at their autonomy through political articulation and strengthening of indigenous organizations.

It is the largest regional indigenous organization in Brazil in terms of number of peoples included and coverage area. It operates in nine states of the Brazilian Amazon (Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins), and is articulated with a network composed of local associations, regional federations, women’s organizations, teachers, indigenous students , and subdivided into 64 base regions.

About Makira E’ta

The Indigenous Women’s Network of the State of Amazonas – Makira E’ta is an independent, private, public interest Civil Society Organization (OSC), with no political-partisan ties, with non-economic purposes, founded on July 29, 2017 .

Its mission is to promote social, political and economic development, with priority given to indigenous women. Makira E’ta believes in a society with equal opportunities for all and in this the role of indigenous women, especially in communities excluded from public policies in municipalities.

*With advisory information

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