Moths that cost BRL 10,000 and bugs that feed on beer: what g1 discovered in an insect factory

Moths that cost BRL 10,000 and bugs that feed on beer: what g1 discovered in an insect factory


In this place, the predators of the pests that attack the plantations are created. See video. Where organic food comes from A moth that costs more than R$ 10,000 a kilo, an insect that lives on beer yeast and honey. These were some of the discoveries g1 made when visiting an insect factory at an organic food farm in Itatinga (SP). These little buggers act in plantations eating other living beings that cause diseases in crops. On the farm, there is also a profession called “pragueira”. See these curiosities in the VIDEO ABOVE. WHERE IT COMES FROM: see all the videos in the PEOPLE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE series: find out who produces the food that reaches you And if you want to understand why organic food is more expensive, be sure to check out the video below: Where does food come from organic Image of insects called lacewings: they feed on beer and honey – 05/04/2023 Celso Tavares/g1 Green lacewing larva: it eats aphids that are found in pepper plantations. Celso Tavares/g1 Credits ‘Where does what I eat come from’: Editorial coordination: Luciana de Oliveira Editing and finishing: Pablo Vaz Narration: Giaccomo Voccio Reporting: Paula Salati and Celso Tavares Production: Paula Salati Script: Paula Salati Video coordination: Tatiana Caldas and Mariana Mendicelli Art coordination: Guilherme Gomes Art direction and illustrations: Vitória Coelho, Luisa Rivas and Wagner Magalhães Photography: Celso Tavares Motion: Vitória Coelho and Verônica Medeiros Driver: Ricardo Américo Barbosa More from the series De Onde Vem… Where does what I eat come from: chocolate Where avocados come from Where olive oil comes from Series is also on Podcast…


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