MCMV: MP is approved in a mixed congressional commission – 06/01/2023 – Market

MCMV: MP is approved in a mixed congressional commission – 06/01/2023 – Market


The MP (Provisional Measure) that recreates Minha Casa Minha Vida was unanimously approved this Thursday (1) in the mixed commission that analyzed the theme in the National Congress.

Now, the text needs to be approved both in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate by June 14 so that the text does not lose its validity.

The short deadline for analysis by the plenary of the two Houses is due to the disputes between the Chamber and the Senate involving the rite of processing the MPs, which delayed the analysis of the projects sent by the federal government.

During the pandemic, the rite was changed, abolishing the mixed commission and sending the MP straight to the plenary first of the House and then of the Senate. This gave more power to the Chamber, which had the final say on the project.

With the end of the pandemic, the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), first tried to maintain the rite. Afterwards, he proposed that the joint committees be maintained, but that they have more deputies than senators.

The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), resisted and the previous rite was maintained, but the impasse meant that the mixed commission analyzing the MP was installed only on April 11. The text was received on February 15 in Congress.

Pacheco appeared in the committee by surprise after the approval of the text and spoke to defend the current rite of processing MPs.

“There was a formidable success on the part of the National Congress in opting for compliance with the Constitution by reestablishing joint commissions,” he said.

“The previous rite, at the time of the pandemic, was useful at that moment when we needed to speed up in the remote system, it was useful at that moment and circumstance, but in normal circumstances of the parliamentary system, of the nation, the constitution is wise and intelligent in establishing the commission mixed,” he added.

The text approved today significantly altered the project sent by the Executive and included a series of novelties in the text under negotiation with the federal government.

The rapporteur, deputy Fernando Marangoni (União-SP), delivered a substitute with 49 pages, while the one sent by the government had 16.

Among the novelties brought by the rapporteur are the readjustment in the value of the works even after they have been started. Before, the amount was not corrected for inflation, which in the parliamentary view led builders to abandon undertakings.

Another innovation is encouraging the production of units closer to urban centers with urban infrastructure in the surroundings.

In addition, the projects will need to have measures that increase environmental sustainability and, consequently, bring relief to residents’ bills.

Marangoni also included the need for 5% of Minha Casa Minha Vida resources destined for stopped works, retrofit and undertakings in cities with less than 50 thousand inhabitants to stay with the States and municipalities.

The initial idea was 60%, but the Planalto Palace negotiated a reduction in the rate, concerned with the possibility that two opposition presidential candidates in 2026, the governors of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema (Novo), and of São Paulo, Tarcisio de Freitas (Republicans), would take a large slice of the budget.


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