Manaus Carnival could raise R$50 million, research shows

Manaus Carnival could raise R$50 million, research shows


Manaus (AM) — Joy, enjoyment and revelry. The Manaus carnival fills the streets with revelers, mixes the rhythms of boi-bumbá, funk, forró and country music, and has a fundamental capacity to move the economy, even at the beginning of the year. According to a survey by the Chamber of Store Managers (CDL) of Manaus, the forecast is for R$50 million to be raised.

The Manaus party occupies the 10th position as the best-known carnival in Brazil, according to the Opnion Box report, released in 2023. Based on CDL Manaus research, this year’s revenue growth establishes a 2.5% growth in product sales and services this year, compared to the previous year.

Among the most targeted products among consumers are, mostly, various foods and drinks, alcoholic, non-alcoholic and energy drinks. Clothing items account for the following percentages: costume (38%); clothing and footwear (36%); and, accessories (23%).

The forecast is that, during the parties, the public will spend an average of R$ 230. Almost 50% of those interviewed by CDL Manaus defend the intention of spending up to R$ 300, in the sum of expenses, counting the pre, during and post-party .

Economist Denise Kassama explained that this data goes from stores that sell props and costumes to the team of seamstresses at samba schools, generating temporary jobs. “The festival also encourages the purchase of drinks, whether at the Sambódromo, where the clubs’ parades took place, or in blocks.”

“There are people who think that Carnival is pure futility, but this period plays a very important role in moving the economy and generating temporary jobs. We have to see this far beyond parties and blocks,” he says.

The purchase of products from small entrepreneurs was encouraged by economist Denise Kassama.

Strengthened enterprises

Due to the high rate of purchasing interest, the carnival season represents an opportunity to acquire extra income and boost the enterprise, especially for micro-entrepreneurs.

To take advantage of this period, the creator of Hype Aterlier (@hypeatelierr), Cecília Silva, with a physical store at Casa Plural, on Rua Acre, Vieiralves neighborhood, highlighted the preparation to boost sales, mainly through publicity and marketing on networks social.

“We invested a lot, thinking about creative, differentiated and timeless products for carnival. In addition to marketing our networks, we use influencer marketing in the exchange format to have successful and cost-balanced advertising! This year we also partnered with professionals from other areas, such as makeup artists, decorators and stylists, to reach a wider audience,”

he said.

Hype Atelier seeks creativity when marketing Photo: Reproduction/Instagram.

However, contrary to the forecast for sales growth, Cecília Silva pointed out a more inert movement with few exits this carnival, compared to previous years.

Choosing the ideal products is also part of Luduik’s daily life, one of the owners of Brechó Act (@brechoact), and this carnival was no different. Located on Rua Pará, Vieiralves neighborhood, the enterprise already curates and mines retro, vintage and current clothing. For this season, the thrift store team opted for more vibrant and stylish clothes, seeking to please consumers.

“Mining is luck, we never know what exactly we are going to find. Even before the new year turned, we got ready to find these more colorful and bright pieces that reminded us of carnival”,

he stated.

The organization of Brechó Act is focused on a greater objective: to expand and become even better known. Luduik explained the strategic process for establishing the promotional schedule and posts on social media.

“My partner and I have a monthly meeting to define the schedule for most of the month. How we made a photoshoot with carnival pieces and, as it is a thrift store, the pieces are unique, so it doesn’t make sense for our segment to produce monthly content all at once”, he clarified.

To contribute precisely to this market, reveler Yasmim Tabosa, 22, prioritizes consumption in small stores both because they have more affordable prices and because of the more exclusive and personalized pieces.

“Carnival is a period of great excitement, especially in terms of self-expression, as it is a very artistic party, in addition to enjoying the festivities of the blocks, we can dress in a super colorful and festive way, and I love that during this period the people do this without judgement”,


Brechó Act also opts for partnerships with small influencers in the capital to contribute to the dissemination of actions Photo: Reproduction/Instagram.

Read more:

Carnival: see essential services that will operate in Manaus

Manaus City Hall decrees optional points during Carnival; see dates

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