Kiss Day: Tips for maintaining a healthy mouth and kissing with confidence

Kiss Day: Tips for maintaining a healthy mouth and kissing with confidence



A radiant smile and healthy lips are essential for kissing with confidence and without worries

Manaus (AM) — Kiss Day, celebrated on April 13th, aims to make people aware of the importance of taking care of their oral health to make the most of this special moment. After all, a radiant smile and healthy lips are essential for kissing with confidence and without worries.

The coordinator of the Uninorte Dentistry course, Karoline Dantas, selected seven tips and precautions to ensure that your mouth is in perfect condition to celebrate love on this long-awaited day. She further explains that good oral health not only contributes to a beautiful smile, but is also essential for the body’s overall well-being.

• Proper oral hygiene: Maintaining a daily hygiene routine is essential for a healthy mouth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Don’t forget to floss daily to remove food residue and bacterial plaque between your teeth;
Visit the dentist regularly: Regular appointments are essential to prevent oral problems and ensure optimal health. Schedule routine exams and professional cleanings at least twice a year to ensure your mouth is in perfect condition;
Avoid foods and drinks that stain your teeth: coffee, tea, red wine, soft drinks and dark sauces, for example, can stain your teeth over time. Try to limit your consumption of these items and rinse your mouth with water after consuming them to help reduce the effects;
Stay hydrated: drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth hydrated and stimulate saliva production, as it helps neutralize acids and protect your teeth against cavities and other oral problems;
• Use lip balm: chapped or dry lips can be uncomfortable and unattractive. Use a lip balm with SPF to keep them hydrated and protected against the harmful effects of the sun and wind;
Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Both can cause a range of problems in the mouth, including bad breath, cavities, gum disease and even oral cancer. If you smoke or drink regularly, consider seeking help to stop or reduce your consumption;
Be careful with mouth piercings: If you have tongue, lip or cheek piercings, be aware of the risks of injury and infection. Keep them clean and follow the professional’s instructions to avoid complications.

Clinic-School of Dentistry

Uninorte has a Dental School Clinic, located at Rua Jonathas Pedrosa, 1002-1004 – Praça 14 de Janeiro, which provides services at affordable prices for Amazonians.

The space offers periodontics, dentistry, surgery, endodontics, dental prosthetics, dental implants and rehabilitation services. Interested parties can go to the unit in person or make an appointment by calling 92 3212-5140 (WhatsApp).

*With information from consultancy

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