INSS can pay bonuses of up to R$ 4,500 to reduce the queue – 07/18/2023 – Market

INSS can pay bonuses of up to R$ 4,500 to reduce the queue – 07/18/2023 – Market


The Ministry of Social Security can pay up to R$ 4,500 in bonuses for administrative servants to unblock the INSS benefit line (National Social Security Institute, today with 1.79 million insured persons awaiting retirement, pension, aid and BPC (Continued Provision Benefit).

According to information obtained by the Sheet, the administrative bonus should be BRL 68 per completed task point. The maximum number of points to be scored is 67. Medical experts should also receive a bonus. The value, which is currently at R$ 61.72, can rise to R$ 75.

The rules and the exact amount of the bonus must be published in a provisional measure, which does not yet have a release date. Payment conditions are under negotiation, but depending on what is defined by the ministry, medical experts may refuse to participate in the program, says the ANMP (National Association of Medical Experts), which represents the sector.

See the queue for INSS benefits

Service queue orders
Medical expertise 596,699
Assistance benefit for people with disabilities 437,077
Retirement by age 222,771
Retirement by time of contribution 134,399
death benefit 122,683
Maternity pay 115,066
Temporary disability allowance (administrative evaluation) 78,906
BPC (Continued Provision Benefit) 74,517
Seclusion allowance 7,937
Other benefits 4,394
Total 1,794,449

The benefit queue, which has already reached 2 million in 2022, with the pandemic, employee retirement and civil servants and experts strike, has been the subject of criticism in the government, even from President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). In July, the president of the INSS was replaced and the queue was one of the reasons.

Last Tuesday (11), Lula addressed the subject. According to him, a meeting would be held with representatives of the Ministry of Social Security and the INSS to discuss the waiting list. “I have a meeting this week to find out what the problem is going on to get a queue of around 1.9 million people,” he said.

“I want to know if the queue is because there is no money to pay retirees, that’s why it takes so long. Bolsonaro did this in the last government. I want to know if it’s a lack of employees.”

“There is no explanation, other than ‘I can’t retire because I don’t have the money to pay’. If that’s the case, you have to be very honest with the people and say why there is this queue. If it’s a lack of employees, the we have to hire an employee. If it’s a lack of competence, we have to replace those who don’t have competence,” said the President of the Republic.

For Adriane Bramante, president of the IBDP (Brazilian Institute of Social Security Law), the publication of the provisional measure with the bonus and the rules should form a set with other measures to try to reduce the queue. “We hope that these actions, along with others, can help reduce the queue”, she says.

Pedro Luis Totti, president of SINSSP (Union of Social Security and Social Security Workers in the State of São Paulo), says that the INSS queue is “a chronic problem”, which was inherited from the past government, when there were no investments in the structure from the institute.

“What’s happening is that most of them [funcionários públicos] is analyzing the processes from home, with its equipment and internet, without any kind of cost help. That was the bet of the last government, which also abandoned the agencies. There are more than 1,600 branches across the country operating quite idle.”

The trade unionist also points out the lack of labor replacement as one of the flaws that led to the increase in the waiting list. Since the Temer government, there has been no tender. The last one, carried out in the Bolsonaro administration, at the end of 2022, hired a thousand new servers. The organ deficit, however, is 15,000.

Experts may not participate in the task force, says ANMP

Although medical experts are already participating in the task force of expertise that have been carried out since June, the category may not adhere to the new bonus program, according to ANMP vice-president, Francisco Eduardo Cardoso Alves.

Alves says that, behind the scenes, there is information that the government may change the bonus rules, making experts need to work harder to earn the same amount they currently receive in bonuses, according to the 2017 law.

“The proposal for a provisional measure to recreate the performance bonus based on productivity was the idea of ​​the ANMP together with the new government at the beginning, when they called us to talk. The versions I’m seeing [da medida provisória] will make it impossible for this productivity program to work because the government is imposing a list of restrictions for the expert to be able to participate and receive”, he says.

“Although they announced that the bonus will increase to R$75 —before it was R$61—, they will lower the score for each task, that is, you will need to work twice as hard to earn this bonus of R$75 per task .”

In 2017, the law created a BRL 60 bonus to guarantee the review of INSS disability benefits. According to the rules, the investigation needed to be carried out outside normal working hours and the bonus would not be part of the salary, would not serve as a basis for calculating any benefit and could not be overtime.

Wanted, INSS and Social Security did not confirm the values.


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