Holiday on the 7th is an opportunity to readjust prices in restaurants %%page%%

Holiday on the 7th is an opportunity to readjust prices in restaurants %%page%%


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The FoodCo. with the complete and audio analysis of the economist João Ricardo Tonin is an exclusive weekly content for the platform’s subscribers.| Photo: Bigstock

During the September 7th holiday, the street food market may find less movement, while tourist destinations should be busier. Moments like this, with increased consumption in restaurants, are an opportunity to readjust prices on the menu. This is the analysis of João Ricardo Tonin, economist at FoodCo.

According to the IBGE, from January to June this year, eating at home was 11.8% more expensive, while eating out increased by 4.6%. Since 2020, the cost of eating at home has risen by 43%, and eating out has become 17.4% more expensive. Tonin explains that, as the ingredients used in both modalities are practically the same, the difference in percentages reflects the difficulty of establishments in passing on the increase in the cost of inputs to products.

For the specialist, the economy in recovery and the holiday on September 7th – which happens right at the beginning of the month, when people have just received their salaries – make this a good time to readjust prices in bars and restaurants.

“We must be careful: balancing prices, so as not to alienate customers, but also not to squeeze margins too much. We are gradually moving back to the pre-pandemic market scenario”, concludes Tonin.

The FoodCo. with the complete and audio analysis of the economist João Ricardo Tonin is an exclusive weekly content for the platform’s subscribers. FoodCo. is the largest community of bar and restaurant owners in Brazil. There are more than 13,000 entrepreneurs in the sector gathered in a network of knowledge and networking, with access to essential content for those who undertake food outside the home.


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