Hamilton de Holanda plays Djavan with Gloria Groove, Jorge Drexler and Zeca Pagodinho on the album ‘Samurai’

Hamilton de Holanda plays Djavan with Gloria Groove, Jorge Drexler and Zeca Pagodinho on the album ‘Samurai’


Scheduled for September 14th, the disc brings together foreign musicians, such as the Cuban pianist Gonzalo Rubalcaba, and features Djavan himself in two of the 12 songs. Cover of the album ‘Samurai – The music of Djavan’, by Hamilton de Holanda Dani Gurgel with art by Pedro Araújo ♪ Hamilton de Holanda rekindles Djavan’s Light. Title track of the album released by the singer and composer from Alagoas in 1982, Luz is one of the 12 songs in the album’s repertoire that the carioca mandolin player dedicates to Djavan’s repertoire. Entitled Samurai – A Música de Djavan, the album is scheduled to be released on September 14th by Sony Music. On the disc, Hamilton proposes a “new look” for Djavan’s songbook and, to that end, gathered a globalized team of guests. From Brazil, the singer from São Paulo Gloria Groove, the pianist from Paraíba Salomão Soares and the sambista from Rio de Janeiro Zeca Pagodinho (partner of the composer in Êh! Êh, samba released in 2013 by Alcione) take part in the album Samurai, in addition to Djavan himself, invited to sing the mentioned music Luz and also Lambada de serpent (1980), partnership between the composer and Cacaso (1944 – 1987). From abroad, Hamilton de Holanda invited the Cuban pianist Gonzalo Rubalcaba, the Uruguayan singer Jorge Drexler, the American saxophonist Lakecia Benjamin and the Indian singer and flutist Varijashree Venugopal to participate in the album. The mandolin player’s intention was to make a “multicultural album” around Djavan’s authorial songbook. The cover of the album Samurai shows Hamilton de Holanda in a photo by Dani Gurgel with art by Pedro Araújo. Hamilton de Holanda (left) poses with Djavan in the studio during the recording of the tracks ‘Luz’ and ‘Lambada de serpent’ Brunini / Divulgation


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