Finance Minister Fernando Haddad is going to discuss a package with 14 credit measures with Febraban.| Photo: Washington Costa/Ascom/MF.

The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, said this Monday (17th) that he will discuss alternatives with banks for a possible cut in the interest rate charged on revolving credit. The fee is charged when customers do not pay the full amount of their credit card bill by the due date.

“The drawing [do cartão de crédito no rotativo] is hurting the low-income population a lot. A good part of the people who are at Serasa today are not only on credit cards, but also on credit cards. And people can’t get off the rotary. We need to find a negotiated path as we did with the reduction of pensioners’ payroll”, the minister told journalists.

Haddad stated that he will debate this afternoon with representatives of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), in Brasília, a package with 13 other measures on bank credit. The actions must be presented by the government in the coming weeks.