Fiocruz recommends care against Covid-19 during carnival in the North Region

Fiocruz recommends care against Covid-19 during carnival in the North Region


Bulletin warns about increase in cases, especially in Amazonas and Tocantins

The Infogripe Bulletin, released this Thursday (8) by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), warned of the continued increase in cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SRAG) in the North Region and recommends redoubling care against Covid-19 , especially in Amazonas and Tocantins, during carnival. The national scenario is for a drop or stability in cases, but people with flu-like symptoms should also avoid crowds in the South, Southeast, Northeast and Center-West.

InfoGripe coordinator, researcher Marcelo Gomes recommends that people in the risk group for worsening Covid-19, such as the elderly, avoid carnival parties in the Northern states and Mato Grosso.

“The recommendation, especially for those in the risk group – people of advanced age, people who have some immunosuppression – unfortunately is not to participate in Carnival this year. Stay at home, enjoy the parades on TV and listen to the radio to avoid the risk of exposing yourself and eventually developing a serious case. Because carnival, we know, is a lot of people, a lot of crowds and that’s the cool thing about carnival. But this, unfortunately, carries a very high risk of infection. Even if it is in open environments, open, well-ventilated places, because there are a lot of people, the risk ends up being very significant. So, the recommendation is that, unfortunately, this year let it go. But it’s that thing: Carnival has it every year, we only have one life”,



According to the foundation, Amazonas, Pará and Tocantins continue to show a clear sign of an increase in SARS due to Covid-19, in addition to Mato Grosso, in the Central-West. SARS cases are those with more severe respiratory symptoms and usually cause hospitalization.

In Pará, despite the slowdown in growth among the elderly, this does not apply to children and young adults, ages at which cases continue to increase. Furthermore, Acre and Rondônia also show signs of growth in SARS cases.

For the rest of the country, the InfoGripe coordinator’s recommendation is to avoid partying in case of flu-like symptoms.

“Why? So as not to expose the rest of the population. For the same reason that we said that the ideal for a risk group is to preserve themselves in those places that have a more worrying situation in relation to Covid, the same goes for those who have symptoms of infection, because they may have Covid. The virus is still present. So, if we have symptoms of a respiratory infection, we could have Covid or we could even have the flu, we could have the influenza virus. So, let’s preserve the rest of the population”,

concluded the researcher.

Read more:

Acute cases of Covid-19 increase in the North and Northeast regions, reports Fiocruz bulletin

Research studies long-term effects of covid-19 on children and adolescents

Vaccine against Covid-19 will be available in nine health units this Saturday (25)

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