Federal Revenue Service: exams are this Sunday (19); see tips – 03/17/2023 – Market

Federal Revenue Service: exams are this Sunday (19);  see tips – 03/17/2023 – Market


The exams for the Federal Revenue contest will be held this Sunday (19). There are 156,373 applicants for 699 vacancies, divided between the positions of tax analyst and tax auditor.

The exams will take place in all the capitals of the country. Entrants can check their test location on the website

Most vacancies (469) are for the position of tax analyst; the remaining 230 are for the tax auditor. There are quotas for people with disabilities and for blacks, corresponding to 5% and 20% of the total, respectively.

What to expect on test day?

The test day will be divided into two stages. In the morning, from 8 am to 12:30 pm, an objective test of basic knowledge will be held. In the afternoon, between 3 pm and 7:30 pm, there will be an examination of specific knowledge, in addition to the discursive test. Candidates must arrive at least half an hour in advance, considering the official time in Brasília (DF).

According to the edict, the objective test will have 140 multiple-choice questions among five alternatives, with only one correct answer. The subjects covered and the number of questions per shift vary according to the position.

It is necessary to get half of the questions of the basic and specific knowledge exams right, in addition to not zeroing in on any of the disciplines, in order not to be eliminated. Among those approved in this stage, only a portion will have the discursive test corrected, according to the classification in the objective test.

It’s time to review, point out teachers

“The candidate needs to accept that, at this moment, there is no more time to learn new content”, says Arthur Lima, professor at Direction Contests. For the teacher, the candidate should focus on increasing the chance of getting questions right about what has already been studied.

Lima points out that it is important to try to fit in the exercises, but the priority is the theoretical review, which would prepare the candidate for a greater diversity of subjects that can be explored. “It is very likely that FGV will make a test specially designed for the body, and this could mean that many questions on the test are not directly related to questions asked in previous tests.”

Alexandre Meirelles, professor at Gran Cursos Online, agrees that the cost-benefit is greater when remembering contents already studied and recommends that, if possible, the candidate attend classes or read revision materials of some disciplines, focusing especially on the parts that involve memorizing mathematical laws and formulas.

He also emphasizes the importance of rest in these last days: “Study a little, rest, try to sleep well, eat light meals and memorize the latest information that involves more memorizing.”

For Lima, the day before the test is a good time to fix such contents: “This is the case, for example, with the various statistical formulas. When I took the exam and was approved for the positions of auditor and analyst, I dedicated these final moments precisely memorizing these formulas and other aspects present in disciplines such as accounting, economics, social security law and tax legislation.”

Take time to plan the IRS test

“It is an extensive test, with many different contents, and quite tiring. It is essential to define right away which subject the candidate will start the test with, when he will do the discursive part and whether or not he will make a draft before writing in pen “, recommends Lima.

The professor indicates not to make a draft, but to write a list of topics to guide thinking during the production of the definitive text, allowing to save time in the discursive test.

In addition, the candidate must be careful with the resolution time of the objective questions. “You need to keep in mind the rule of the public notice: no question in the test has greater weight than the other. Therefore, if a question is too long, laborious, or even difficult, it is better to move on to the next one and try to guarantee a greater volume of correct answers. “, recommends Lima.

If there is time, such questions can be revisited at the end of the test. “It is also important to remember that the candidate cannot fail any subject. Therefore, to be safe, it is important to try to guarantee at least two or three questions in each subject”, says the professor.

As the test consists of two shifts, planning lunch time is no less important: “It is important to already research some food options in the vicinity, in case the candidate is not going to take his meal, and look for some way to relax after lunch to come back in a good mood to face the test in the afternoon”, recommends Lima.

Anxiety is common in this final stretch

Meirelles says that anxiety is normal in this final stretch, but he reminds candidates that the contest is yet another attempt to be approved in the area, and not the only one: “The Federal Revenue contest is one more of several tax contests that we have had in recent years months and we will still have it in the next ones. Take the test as hard as possible and believe in yourself.

Believe that by doing your role well, it will be a matter of time to find your name in the Official Gazette of the Union or in some state or municipal one.”

The teacher also emphasizes the importance of trusting your preparation and remembering that there is no such thing as a perfect student: “Being aware that if you have studied correctly most of the time, you have a great chance of passing a good test. Trusting your knowledge and not put all the pressure in the world on its approval, because there is life after the test, whether it is approved or not”, concludes Meirelles.

What to bring on test day?

On the day of the test, candidates must bring:

  • Ballpoint pen made of transparent material, with blue or black ink;
  • Original identity document;
  • Proof of registration or payment of the registration fee.

What to expect from objective proof for tax auditor?

The test of basic knowledge for the position of tax auditor, held in the morning, will have 80 questions. The most discussed topics will be Portuguese language and fluency in data, each with ten questions.

In the afternoon, the objective test of specific knowledge will involve 60 questions. The subjects most addressed will be tax law and customs legislation, with ten questions each.

What to expect from the objective test for a tax analyst?

For the position of tax analyst, the basic knowledge test will have 70 questions. The public notice provides that the subjects most demanded will be Portuguese language and fluency in data, each with 15 questions.

In the afternoon, the specific knowledge test will also have 70 questions, with the majority (16) focused on tax and social security law.

What will the discursive test of the Revenue contest be like?

For the position of tax auditor, there will be two discursive questions, each worth 30 points. For tax analyst candidates, it will only be a discursive question, also worth 30 points.


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