Father’s Day moves clothing, footwear and cosmetics trade in Manaus, research points out

Father’s Day moves clothing, footwear and cosmetics trade in Manaus, research points out



Clothing items, shoes, perfumes and cosmetics are the most sought after for gifts

Manaus (AM) – Fecomércio AM, through the Fecomércio Institute of Business Research of Amazonas (Ifpeam), publishes the result of the Consumer Purchase Intention Survey of the Retail Trade for Father’s Day 2023. The survey shows the items most sought after by consumers respondents, at the top of the list are clothing items (27%), footwear (19%) and perfumes and cosmetics (17%). Accessories such as belts and wallets occupy the fourth place in the ranking, with 10% of the responses.

A total of 1,714 consumers were interviewed by Ifpeam, in the period between June 6th and 9th of this year, with 61% of this number represented by the female public and 39% by the male public, from all areas of the city of Manaus.

As for Consumers’ Purchase Intention for Father’s Day this year, out of every 10 interviewees, eight responded that they intended to give a gift to their parents, one replied that he was undecided and would decide at the last minute, and only one responded that he did not know if he would be able to give a gift.

When questioned about how much they intend to spend on gifts this year, 43% declared that they intend to spend between R$ 80.00 and R$ 100.00, 37% stated values ​​between R$ 101.00 and R$ 200.00 and 20% stated values ​​between BRL 201.00 and BRL 400.00. Regarding the payment method, 41% of consumers are willing to buy the gift in cash, via transfer via PIX, cash, bank transfer or bank slip. Credit Card 32%, Debit Card 20%, Credit Card/Carnê/Store Card 7%.

“Among the most used modalities, according to this study, payment via Pix, cash or bank transfer registered an increase in use, becoming for the first time the most used means in this retail, considering that in 2022 the Credit Card took first place.”

explains the search.

Retail business

The survey reveals that 90% of respondents prefer to shop locally, in person, against 10% who opt for online shopping. Among those preferred to carry out their purchases in face-to-face commerce, 49% prefer Shopping Malls, 31% City Center, 17% Neighborhood Commerce and 3% Hypermarkets. As for online purchases, 55% prefer to buy on websites and virtual stores, 32% Instagram, 13% WhatsApp, highlighting the main platforms preferred by virtual customers.

Among the main factors that influence consumers in the purchase decision, 26% responded to the quality of the products, representing the first place this year.

“In 2022, the price was the first among the determining factors to close a purchase. However, according to this year’s survey, consumers seek to find some factors in the product/service purchased, such as, for example, good appearance, reliability and durability”,

explains the search.

The other factors are prices, with 19% of responses, followed by promotions and offers (12%), customer service (11%), variety of products (7%), security (6%), ease of payment (5%), free shipping (4%), location (4%), climate control (3%) and prompt delivery (3%).

Parents’ preference

The research also reveals the ideal gift that parents would like to receive this August 13th. According to the survey, parents want new clothes, as clothing (21%) appears in first place on the list, followed by perfumes and cosmetics (17%), footwear (16%) and travel and/or walks (10%). Other gifts that will be successful this Father’s Day are semi-jewelry and watches (9%), electronics (7%), accessories (7%), special lunch/dinner (6%) and sporting goods (3%).

*With advisory information

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