| Photo: Disclosure

This Thursday (24th), the sommelier course at the European Center promotes the 1st Brazilian Wine Tasting Circuit, from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. The event, aimed at industry professionals, includes tastings of several national labels, in addition to workshops on wines and sparkling wines produced in Brazil. In all, the Circuit has the presence of representatives of 23 Brazilian wineries.

“The initiative aims to stimulate the generation of business and value for the sector, in addition to the visibility of the quality wines produced in Brazil”, explains the academic director and supervisor of the gastronomy courses at the European Center, Rogério Gobbi.

Gobbi points out that the growth of the wine market in Brazil has generated opportunities. According to data from Wine Intelligence, in 2021 the country was the 14th largest wine consumer in the world, and per capita consumption of the drink per year increased from 1.93 liters in 2018 to 2.8 liters in 2020.

For Edinéia Biassi, coordinator of the Sommelier and Beer Sommelier courses at the European Center, the Brazilian Enodegustation Circuit will stimulate the generation of business in the sector: “The participants will be able to taste the wines and sparkling wines of all the exhibitors and have direct contact with the representatives and owners of the most renowned Brazilian wineries, with the aim of publicizing and promoting the image of Brazilian wines in the Curitiba market”.

Interested parties can contact us by email at [email protected].