| Photo: Disclosure

Cachaça, pinga, brandy, marvada, branquinha and so many other names for the Brazilian distillate, gains a space dedicated to it in Curitiba. The Temple of Cachaça, in the Uberaba neighborhood, opens its doors to the public on March 24th and promises to be a tourist spot for curious people and drink lovers.

In a hall with 900m², spread over three floors, the enterprise offers more than two thousand labels, accessories and utensils for professional bartenders, tastings, space for courses and events. In the basement, it is possible to take a guided tour of the private collection of the owner, Orlando Osmar Regis, with more than nine thousand labels.

“I am a cachaça admirer and I want everyone to have the opportunity to understand the beauty of this universe, the variety, how much it contributes to the country’s economy, the different productions in various Brazilian states, the history. My collection is not for sale, but it can be shared through the experience that Templo da Cachaça will provide from now on”, explains Regis.

Templo da Cachaça will be soft open from March 24th. The address is Av. Senador Salgado Filho, 3156, Uberaba. @reguibrasil