Chamber approves project that increases ethanol mix in gasoline

Chamber approves project that increases ethanol mix in gasoline


The Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday (13) the bill that increases the mixture of ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in diesel oil. There were 429 votes in favor of the “Future Fuel” PL and 19 against. The text was approved in the form of a substitute presented by deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP), rapporteur of the proposal, and will be sent to the Senate.

The main impasse for the vote was the addition of biodiesel to diesel oil. The opinion predicted a gradual increase in the mixture from 14% to 20% in 2030, with the addition of one percentage point per year. Representatives from agribusiness and the energy sector questioned the determination. The substitute accepted by the deputies established a floor of 13% in the addition of biodiesel to oil, if the sector is unable to reach the expected minimum, and a ceiling of 25%.

The new margin for mixing ethanol with gasoline will increase from 22% to 27%, and could reach 35%. Currently, the mixture can reach 27.5%, with at least 18% ethanol. “It is a strategic project for Brazil to consolidate its agricultural vocation, to deepen the achievement of a clean, renewable and unparalleled energy matrix in the world and for us to have an unparalleled biofuel matrix as well”, said the rapporteur, informed the Chamber Agency.

According to the text, airlines must reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2027, starting from 1% to 10% in 2037, through the addition of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). , made from renewable sources.

The project establishes criteria for the creation of the National Sustainable Aviation Fuel Program (ProBioQAV), the National Green Diesel Program (PNDV), and the legal framework for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. During the session, deputies rejected all the highlights presented by the parties.

The government leader, deputy José Guimarães (PT-CE), highlighted that the text is the result of negotiations between party leaders and the Executive to make the “energy transition” viable and consolidate the “green economy”.

Deputy Hugo Leal (PSD-RJ) criticized the increase in the amount of biodiesel in oil and highlighted that the measure could be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and harm the transport of goods. “Biodiesel leaves sludge, residue that compromises the truck’s activity. We have to be careful. A project that can be interesting, with appeal, can have an impact on people’s daily lives”, said Leal.


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