CAE approves the use of the Worker Support Fund in solidarity economy projects

CAE approves the use of the Worker Support Fund in solidarity economy projects



According to Senator Otto Alencar (PSD-BA), “from an economic point of view, the projects have transformative potential”

The Economic Affairs Commission (CAE) approved, this Tuesday (1st), a proposal that includes solidarity economy projects among the development programs eligible for financing by the Workers’ Support Fund (FAT), whose main source of Resources contributions to the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Civil Servant Asset Formation Program (Pasep).

PL 3.008/2020, by Senator Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), describes the solidarity economy as “the activities of organizing the production and commercialization of goods and services, distribution, consumption and credit, observing the principles of self-management, fair and solidary trade, cooperation and solidarity, democratic and participatory management, equitable distribution of collectively produced wealth, integrated and sustainable local, regional and territorial development, respect for ecosystems, preservation of the environment, appreciation of human beings, work and culture.”

The proposal received a favorable opinion from the rapporteur, Senator Otto Alencar (PSD-BA), with two amendments. An urgent request was approved for analysis by the Plenary.

fair trade

In his report, Otto Alencar recalls that in 2022 the Senate approved a proposal to amend the Constitution (PEC 69/2019) that includes the solidarity economy among the principles of the economic order, and that this PEC is being processed by the Chamber of Deputies.

According to the rapporteur, “From an economic point of view, the undertakings that make up the solidarity economy have transformative potential, since they are based on practices such as democratic management, cooperation and pricing, in accordance with the principles of fair and solidary trade, transparency and publicity in the management of resources. If these ventures prosper, their transformative potential will come to fruition.”.

For that, said Otto Alencar, they need to have access to financial resources. As is the case today, Law 7998, from 1990, provides that FAT resources are destined to finance professional and technological education programs and economic development.

“It is reasonable that its resources can be invested in solidarity economy projects, given the potential impact of these projects on economic development”

he stated.

The rapporteur presented two amendments that seek to help the Ministry of Labor and Employment, by allowing operations to finance innovation and digitization, contracted with FAT resources, to be remunerated based on the Referential Rate (TR).

“And at the same time, we seek to re-establish the competences of the FAT deliberative council with regard to the elaboration of guidelines for programs and for the allocation of resources, clearly with the source “special deposits”

highlighted the senator.

*With information from the Senate Agency

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