Bolsa Família: government releases payment; see calendar – 12/11/2023 – Market

Bolsa Família: government releases payment;  see calendar – 12/11/2023 – Market


The government and Caixa Econômica Federal begin this Monday (11) to make the last payment of this year’s Bolsa Família and Auxílio Gás. The deposits were brought forward by one week and will be completed before Christmas, on the 22nd.

The benefit money is released in a staggered manner, according to the end of the NIS (Social Identification Number). This Monday, payment is made to those who have a NIS with a ending of 1. The last to receive are the beneficiaries with a ending NIS of zero.

The exception is beneficiaries from municipalities in an emergency or calamity situation, which have a unified payment for the first day of the calendar.

December’s gas aid will be R$104. To receive it, the family must be registered in the CadÚnico (Cadastro Único), with a monthly family income less than or equal to half the minimum wage per person, which amounts to R$660 in this year.

Registration is a prerequisite, but does not guarantee immediate entry into the program or receipt of the benefit.

The benefit was created to support families due to the high price of gas in 2020 and 2021. In total, more than 5.4 million families receive the amounts.

The federal government pays beneficiary families 100% of the national average value of a 13-kilo cylinder in the last six months, according to the price calculation made by the ANP (National Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels).


NIS Final Pay day
1 11/12
two 12/12
3 13/12
4 14/12
5 15/12
6 12/18
7 12/19
8 12/20
9 12/21
0 12/22


The release of amounts is carried out by Caixa through the Caixa Tem application. The citizen also receives it if they have a Bolsa Família or Citizen’s Card. It is possible to withdraw funds at ATMs, lottery outlets, Caixa Aqui correspondents and Caixa branches.

At Caixa Tem, money movement is done through the app, without the need to go to a branch. The beneficiary can make purchases online and at registered establishments, pay water, electricity and telephone bills, among other bills. There is also the possibility of making transfers via Pix.

The withdrawal is carried out by generating a code in the application.


Beneficiary families must fulfill commitments in the areas of health and education

  • Carrying out prenatal care
  • Monitoring the national vaccination calendar
  • Monitoring the nutritional status of children under 7 years of age
  • For children aged 4 to 5, minimum school attendance of 60% and 75% for beneficiaries aged 6 to 18 who have not completed basic education
  • When enrolling the child in school and vaccinating them at the health center, it is necessary to inform them that the family is a beneficiary of Bolsa Família

The minimum value of Bolsa Família is R$600 per month, but the government pays additional payments depending on family composition. On March 1st of this year, the First Childhood Benefit was implemented, which pays an additional R$150 per child aged 0 to 6 years.

In June, Bolsa Família began paying R$50 to pregnant women and those aged 7 to 18, in addition to R$142 per family member, of any age.

In October, the reformulation of the new Bolsa Família came to an end, with the implementation of the R$50 benefit for nursing mothers, responsible for newborns up to 6 months of age.

There is also the protection rule, guaranteeing that, even after getting a job and improving income, the family can remain in the program for up to two years, as long as each member receives the equivalent of up to half the minimum wage.

The objective, according to the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, is to ensure greater financial stability and stimulate employment and entrepreneurship.

If the family loses income after two years or has requested to leave the program, they are entitled to a guaranteed return. The benefit will be paid immediately.


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