Monetary authority will have to publish within ten days the calculations and fundamentals that support each new decision on the rate.| Photo: Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil

A bill that has been pending in the Chamber of Deputies since the end of February intends to oblige the Central Bank to publish on the Internet the reports that support decisions on the Selic rate, also known as the basic rate or reference interest rate.

The text authored by Deputy André Figueiredo (PDT-CE) asks that the monetary authority publish within ten days the calculations and grounds that support each new decision on the rate. “This is important to avoid undue political influence and the defense of private interests, ensuring impartiality in decisions,” he told Agência Câmara.

The project under analysis in the Chamber of Deputies amends the 2021 law that established the autonomy and mandates of the president and advisors of the Central Bank, and will allow “predictability for economic agents” so that they “make informed decisions and adjust the investment strategy ”, reinforced the parliamentarian.

The processing of the text has been stopped since the end of April, when it was forwarded to the Finance and Taxation and Constitution and Justice committees.