Bela Gil: Restaurante Camélia Òdòdó reduces prices of dishes – 07/11/2023 – Restaurants

Bela Gil: Restaurante Camélia Òdòdó reduces prices of dishes – 07/11/2023 – Restaurants


São Paulo

Chef and presenter Bela Gil announced a reduction in the prices of dishes at her restaurant, Camélia Òdòdó, in the São Paulo neighborhood of Vila Madalena. The variation between 10 and 20% of the amount charged, she says, is a consequence of the food deflation registered in the month of June in the country.

“Since food prices have dropped, we want to ensure that more people have the opportunity to have access to adequate and healthy food”, said Bela Gil on her social networks. The chef recalled that Camélia’s dishes are vegetarian or vegan, made with agroecological products.

The adjustment to the menu took into account the drop in prices of items present in almost all meals at the establishment, such as carrots, lemons, soy, oranges, pumpkin, potatoes, chayote, cassava and ginger. In addition, the decrease in the price of fuel was considered, informs the establishment.

From now on, Tie Dye lemonade, for example, costs R$28, will cost R$21. The price of feijoada on Wednesdays and Saturdays dropped 7%, from R$68 to R$63. stroganoff, it is possible to save R$ 9, paying R$ 59.


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