BBB24: Cunhã-poranga do Caprichoso clarifies that she is not Isabelle’s ‘mother’: “biologically impossible”

BBB24: Cunhã-poranga do Caprichoso clarifies that she is not Isabelle’s ‘mother’: “biologically impossible”



Joke between Boi-Bumbá fans had repercussions on social media

Manaus (AM) – After a joke went viral on social media, Boi-Bumbá Caprichoso’s sister-in-law, Marciele Alburqueque, clarified that she is not the mother of Isabelle Nogueira, Garantido’s sister-in-law and BBB24 participant.

“There are some jokes that are from the bovine bubble that when they come out we need to explain. I came to explain something that is already spreading too much to outsiders. I’m not Isabelle’s mother, it’s biologically impossible and it’s a joke that Caprichoso fans play”,

explained in a video published on social media.

The game took on national proportions, due to Isabelle’s participation in BBB24. Internet users, who do not follow the Parintins Festival, were surprised by Marciele’s youthful appearance, who was identified as the participant’s mother.

Marciele also explains that she is Caprichoso’s sister-in-law and competes for the category in the festival’s arena with Isabelle. The game then arises from the rivalry between the fans of the two oxen, which is why the blue and white fans call Marciele Isabelle’s “mother”.

Check out the video:

Meet the real mother

In conversation with the other participants, Isabelle was moved by her life story, from her birth to her performances as cunhã-poranga of Garantido. Her mother is actually Jaqueline Nogueira.

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

On social media, Jaqueline publishes images, videos and makes statements to Isabelle. After the controversy involving the singer Rodriguinho, who is also on BBB24, when the pagodeiro criticized the Amazonian woman for exalting the state’s culture, Jaqueline criticized the statements and came out in defense of her daughter.

“As a woman, mother and Amazonian, I want to express all my rejection of the pagode singer’s prejudiced, arrogant and xenophobic statements about Isabelle always praising the culture of Boi-Bumbá, on BBB”, she declared in an excerpt of the post.

Read more:

BBB24: Davi says his brother will put Isabelle on Paredão

BBB 24: Rodriguinho criticizes Isabelle for exalting Amazonian culture: “I only see her dancing the ox”

“India”: Rodriguinho offends Isabelle Nogueira on BBB 24 and is warned: “It’s pejorative”


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