Collection of taxes on ICMS benefits occurs after the government’s victory in an action at the STJ, with an estimate of injecting R$ 90 billion into public coffers.| Photo: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

This Wednesday (10), the Federal Revenue began notifying the first five thousand companies with evidence of irregularities in the payment of taxes after the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) understood that the collection of taxes such as IRPJ and CSLL on ICMS tax benefits is due . The measure was a victory for the Ministry of Finance for allowing up to R$ 90 billion to be injected into public coffers.

Tax collection was questioned by business entities and was even suspended by order of Minister André Mendonça, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Last week, the magistrate went back and suspended the decision.

Despite the government’s expectation of raising R$ 90 billion to the public coffers, this first phase of tax collection should yield a smaller amount, since the Revenue is allowing the exemption of fines for late payment (20%) or ex officio (75%) of amounts due.

“That is, in an amount substantially lower than that owed in case of assessment”, said Robinson Barreirinhas, secretary of the Federal Revenue.

Still according to the secretary, even in the case of taxpayers who are already under inspection or already fined, regularization within the period of the fine allows a reduction of increases by up to 50% of the amount of the fine.

It also offers the possibility of paying in installments in up to 60 months and, in the case of taxpayers who have already been fined, a substantial reduction in fines and interest for joining the Zero Litigation Program transaction.