Petrobras (PETR4) collects a record BRL 279 billion in taxes and government take in Brazil in 2022, up 37.5%| Photo: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Petrobras reported, this Thursday (9), that a total of R$ 279 billion in own taxes, withholdings and government participations in Brazil were collected in 2022. This amount represents an annual record for the company and an increase of approximately 37.5% compared to 2021. The information is contained in the Fiscal Report, available on Petrobras’ Investor Relations page.

Of the total paid by Petrobras to public coffers in 2022, R$149 billion correspond to taxes related to its operations; BRL 83 billion to government contributions (mainly royalties and Special Participation) and BRL 47 billion to taxes withheld from third parties, since the company has a legal duty to collect payments throughout the entire chain, as a person responsible or substitute tax.

The total of BRL 83 billion collected in 2022 by Petrobras in government participation (PGOV) is also the highest annual amount ever paid by the company. This amount represents an increase of around 51% compared to 2021, the previous record (R$ 54.5 billion).

The amounts of PGOV paid are mainly formed by royalties (R$ 42 billion) and special participation (R$ 36 billion). In addition to these two recurring items, there was also the non-recurring payment of R$ 4.2 billion in signing bonus, referring to the acquisition of surplus volumes from the onerous assignment of Sépia (30%) and Atapu (52.5%) by R $2.1 billion each, in addition to R$246 million paid for occupying or retaining the area.