Recipe book “Doçuras da Moça” produced with the help of AI ChatGPT.| Photo: Bigstock

Artificial intelligence (AI) has also reached developments in the gastronomic environment. the cookbook sweetness of the girl by Nestlé was produced with the help of AI ChatGPT and is the first product developed by artificial intelligence for Nestlé consumers. The book, available for free on the Nestlé Recipes website, features ten recipes and all the content has the tone of voice of “Moça”, a character of the Leite Moça brand.

The material developed is the result of a partnership between Business Transformation and Nestlé Recipes. Denis Chamas, senior manager of innovation and new business at the company, explains that his team needed to carry out a study on the limits of artificial intelligence platforms, mainly with regard to the use of confidential data.

“We sought to find an applicable, creative and versatile solution that would allow benefits to Nestlé and its consumers, without running into problems and confidentiality blocks and that would have an inviting factor, such as the fact that you can try something created by artificial intelligence, but prepared by a chef”, adds Denis.

The launch of the book is part of a digital transformation phase at Nestlé, which began in 2016. The objective is to identify new technologies and how to use them to develop the brand’s products and processes.