“Conselhão” has 246 members and discusses topics related to economic growth with sustainability.| Photo: Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/Secom

The meeting between the federal government and the Sustainable Economic and Social Development Council (CDESS), also known as the “Conselhão”, held in May this year, cost more than R$324,000. The information was released by Power 360.

The collegiate is made up of 246 members, including representatives of trade unions, social and indigenous movements, members of agribusiness and the financial sector, businessmen, among others.

According to data from Politics 360, the government spent about R$254,700 on airline tickets alone. Daily rates in Brasilia had a total cost of R$ 52,952.43 thousand. The amount spent traveling around the federal capital was BRL 7,665.08 – similar to expenses with hardcover folders (BRL 7,615.00).

Originally, the Conselhão had 90 members when it was created in 2003, it was expanded to 92 during Dilma Rousseff’s (PT) administration, maintained by Michel Temer (MDB) and was no longer convened in the next government.

Among the members of the new Council are the chairman of Bradesco’s board of directors, Luiz Carlos Trabuco; businesswoman Luiza Helena Trajano, from the retailer Magazine Luiza; indigenous leader Kléber Karipuna; the president of the National Confederation of Financial Workers, Juvandia Moreira, among others.