Minister of Labor said that the time to forward the measure to the National Congress is being discussed, but this should occur from July| Photo: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

The Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho, said this Sunday (14th) that the presentation of a bill to change the FGTS birthday withdrawal should be left for the second half of the year.

“We are studying, discussing with the leaders, with the minister [das Relações Institucionais, Alexandre] Padilha, who coordinates the actions with the National Congress, to see the moment to send this measure, to submit it to the appreciation of the parliament, but we must do it in the second semester”, declared Marinho, in a fair organized by the MST in the Parque da Água Branca , in Sao Paulo.

The minister stated in January that, if it were up to him, the birthday withdrawal (implemented in 2019 and which allows the worker to withdraw part of the balance from his FGTS account, annually, in the month of his birthday) would end, and in March he said that the government will present “alternatives” to the National Congress.

“The anniversary withdrawal created a spree in the financial system with the Fundo de Garantia. Today, of the BRL 504 billion deposited in the current account of account holders, we already have almost BRL 100 billion sold by banks in payroll loans from the Guarantee Fund, based on the format of the birthday withdrawal”, said Marinho in April.