The portfolio responsible for popular housing actions, such as Minha Casa Minha Vida, will have a blockade of R$ 691 million.| Photo: Raphael Carmona/Ministry of Cities

The federal government released this Tuesday (30) the ministries that will have blockages in the Budget in expenses that have exceeded the spending ceiling, in an extra edition of the Official Gazette (see in full). Altogether, there are almost R$ 1.7 billion in non-mandatory discretionary expenses at the discretion of the Executive Branch and which may also include parliamentary amendments.

According to the document, the Ministry of Cities will block almost BRL 691 million, responsible for popular housing actions such as Minha Casa Minha Vida, environmental sanitation and mobility. Next, the Ministry of Transport will have a contingency of R$ 602 million, and the Development and Social Assistance, Family and Hunger Combat of R$ 118.1 million.

The ministries of Integration and Regional Development (R$ 96 million), Finance (R$ 93.1 million) and Planning and Budget (R$ 88.3 million) will also have budget blockages. The latter is that of Minister Simone Tebet herself, who presented, this week, the need to contingency resources.

The minister, at the time, had already announced that the ministries of Education and Health would not have blocked resources. On the other hand, Tebet stressed that the contingency is temporary and can be revised.