Readjustment in the price of medicines was authorized by the federal government and corresponds to the accumulated inflation in the last 12 months.| Photo: Gerson Klaina/Tribuna do Paraná

The federal government authorized a 5.6% readjustment in the price of medicines as of this Friday (31), according to the resolution published in the Official Gazette (see in full).

The increase was requested by the Medicines Market Regulation Chamber (Cmed) and normally occurs once a year. According to the agency, the readjustment was calculated based on the inflation calculated by the IPCA (National Index of Consumer Prices Ample) in the last 12 months.

Although the government works with three categories of drugs, the readjustment approved in 2023 is linear at the three levels. The resolution also establishes that companies must give “wide publicity to the prices of their medicines, through publications in specialized media with wide circulation”.

Companies are also prohibited from charging prices above those published by Cmed on the Anvisa portal.